PAtent Notice

This page serves as notice under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a) of various United States Patents associated with the products listed below. The products and patent numbers shown below may not be all-inclusive. Other patents in the United States and elsewhere may protect both the products listed below and other products and services commercialized by Histosonics, Inc.

Granted patents and published U.S. patent applications may be viewed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office website.
Published international patent applications that designate the United States of America may be viewed at the World Intellectual Property Organization website.


  • US 9,049,783
  • US 9,144,694
  • US 10,071,266
  • US 10,293,187
  • US 10,780,298
  • US 11,648,424
  • US 11,701,134
  • US 11,819,712
  • US 11,813,484
  • US 11,813,485
  • US 11,980,485

Last updated on July 8, 2024

Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

The Edison® System is intended for the non-invasive mechanical destruction of liver tumors, including the partial or complete destruction of unresectable liver tumors via histotripsy. The FDA has not evaluated the Edison System for the treatment of any disease including, but not limited to, cancer or evaluated any specific cancer outcomes (such as local tumor progression, 5-year survival or overall survival). The System should only be used by persons who have completed training performed by HistoSonics, and its use guided by the clinical judgment of an appropriately trained physician. Refer to the device Instructions for Use for a complete list of warnings, precautions and a summary of clinical trial results, including reported adverse events.

Footer last updated on November 8, 2023
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